Associated Files Dialog

An explanation of fields and properties

Associated Files

To access this dialog:

  • In the Sheets control bar, 3D folder, select the required sub-folder, right-click an object, select Properties,

  • In the Properties dialog, select the Associated Files tab.

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The Associated Files dialog is used to associate one or more files with an object loaded in the active 3D window.

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The settings described here apply to the currently active 3D window and all linked external windows. Independent windows will be unaffected.


Field details:

File: add or edit path name of document or program to be associated with this object.

Parameters: Apply an argument string when the file is opened.

Description: menu item description which appears when you right-click the Wireframe.

Test: start up the selected link, and can be used to check for valid file names and parameters.

Down Arrow (add): pass the file entries from the edit boxes to the list below.

Up Arrow (edit): pass the file entries from the edit boxes to the list below.

Delete (red cross): delete the file from the menu .

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The Associated Files tab is available for Points, Planes, Strings, Wireframes and Block Models. It works in the same way for each object type.


 Additional Information

You can pass attribute field values as part of either the filename or a parameter.

Typing the field name between square brackets (e.g. '[]') will replace that part of the string with the string value of the attribute related to the part of the visual clicked. For example, a set of drillholes would share a File and Parameters since they are all part of the same Strings object.

Associated Files Example:

To access a different file for each drillhole, you could pass, the drillhole ID field as part of the parameters. To see the effect, try entering 'Notepad.exe' in the File field, '[X coordinate]' in the Parameter field, and 'Test' in the Description field. Right click the object (Wireframe etc.) in different places and select the [Test] entry from the context menu to see how your application interprets the field value.

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